Opening to Universal Flow – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

Have you ever set a goal for yourself and experienced one road block after the other trying to achieve it? When I was younger I had a Rocky Balboa mentally, fighting through all of the challenges to take one tiny step closer to what I perceived was my final destination.

Over time, I began to notice all of the effort I was outputting for very little return on my energy investment. In college I read a book called The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield that inspired a tremendous shift in how I live my life to this day.

My biggest takeaway was that the universe constantly provides abundance and opportunity to assist us on this journey called “life”. If we tune into our intuition and open our hearts to guidance from the universe then the correct path is clear to see.

One big indicator that you are heading in the right direction is when your life flows easily. When you share your gifts with the world you elevate your energy to a higher vibration that aligns with the vibration of the universe. Doors open for you, opportunities appear effortlessly and you are living in a flow-state.

As abundance appears naturally, you can use the extra energy you conserved to fill your cup and share it with the world. What an incredible way to maneuver through this existence!

Looking for a way to open your heart to guidance from the universe? Scroll down and come join me for this week’s yoga class, Yin Yoga for Heart Opening and see where your journey takes you. Enjoy!

Interested in getting to love and honor your shadow side? Then please join me for the Fall Women’s Weekend Wellness Retreat September 29th-October 1st, 2023 in Wimberley, Texas. We will be working with our darker emotions and using powerful tools to transform them into productive energy to propel us along our journey. Click the link for details and click the link to save your space TODAY!

Author – Kim Goyette

This week’s 18 minute Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Heart Opening is all about expanding the front body to make space for heart centered energy. Through postures that open up the shoulders and chest, we will create room for love and light to enter the body. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to cultivate loving abundance in your life. Enjoy!

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