Managing Agitation – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

If unusually extreme heat of 110 degrees in Texas does not get you agitated, then I don’t know what will. I have been feeling off the entire month of July due to the oppressive temperatures. As the heat rises, so does my temper and I find myself with a short fuse.

Whether it is an annoying spam call, an argument with a loved one, too much coffee or you are feeling the weight of the world, there is plenty of reason to be agitated throughout the day. The great news is we have the ability to simmer down our mood and calm our mind simply by focusing on our exhale and doing a few forward folds.

Really? That’s all there is to it? Just a few exhales and forward bends and I’ll be back to myself again? I can not make promises, but what I suggest is checking out this week’s yoga class, Yin Yoga for Reducing Agitation. Take a moment before class to notice how your body and mind feel and do the same after class. Observe if there are any differences and let me know about your experience. Enjoy!


This week’s 24-minute Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Reducing Agitation, is all about calming the nervous system. Through breath work that focuses on the exhale and forward folding postures, we will bring peace to our body and mind. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to calm your soul. Enjoy!

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