Girl on Fire

Normally, I am a very upbeat, joyful being. My passion is to create space for people to feel safe, unwind and grow. In that light, my favorite thing is to hold yoga retreats where people can feel a sense of connection with themselves and others.
This past year has been challenging in so many ways, In addition to the recent passing of my dad, I have not been able to do the things that light me up, which is cultivating in-person experiences for groups. I have been walking around feeling like my internal light has been dimmed.

That is, until this past weekend. I had the opportunity to hold my first in-person Women’s Weekend Wellness Retreat in over a year and a half. I can not express enough how wonderful it was to connect with this beautiful group of women on such a deep level. We could all feel that this year’s bond was extra special and important because of all the loss each one of us faced this past year.

We danced, sang, drummed and celebrated life like it was 1999! I am so grateful for all the women who showed up with open hearts to share their vulnerability and support each other. It was an extremely powerful experience that I will always hold deep within my soul.

Just like every year, after the retreat weekend, I feel absolutely exhausted from outputting all my energy for three days. It took me several days of deep rest to recover from this emotional experience.

But, after four days of mindfully conserving my energy, I woke up the other day feeling more alive than I had in over a year. The collective energy of this incredible group had ignited my internal flame again. My creativity started to flow through me, my hope came back and I could feel my light shining bright. GIRL ON FIRE!

I want to thank each and every woman who attended this year’s spring retreat. You have awakened my spirit at the cellular level and I will forever be grateful. I am so appreciative for the opportunity you provided me, so I can do what I love. You are an inspiration!

That takes me to someone who has been a major point of inspiration in my life, my mom. The past several months leading up to my dad’s passing has been extremely challenging for her in particular. And through all of this past year’s hardships, she has found joy in the little things and kept that sparkle in her eyes. She is such a powerful woman and I am so grateful to have her as a role model and muse in my life.

I am so lucky to have an amazing tribe of women that encircle me on a daily basis. As part of that tribe, a special shout out goes to my mother-in-law, Susan, my sister-in-law, Nancy, and my aunt Andy and aunt Joanne, wishing you all a very special Mother’s Day!

And, to the endless radiant ladies out there who are not afraid to shine bright, step into their power and send love into the world, have a very Happy Mother’s Day!

Please join me for this week’s yoga class to put a twinkle back in your eyes.


This week’s 21-minute Hatha Flow Yoga Class, Yoga for Igniting Your Flame, is all about generating internal heat in your core to enliven your energy throughout your body. Using solar plexus stimulating postures such as plank variations and twists, we will rev up our energy and metabolism to spark our life force. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to awaken every cell of your body and mind. Enjoy!

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