When I created my yoga business Meditation Mutha, ten years ago I took some time to think about the style of yoga that I wanted to share with the world. My desire was to develop classes that were attainable for anyone whether they were a first time yogi or had been practicing for years. It was important for me to present yoga as welcoming, fun and lighthearted so people would be attracted to the practice.
That is where the inspiration to my tagline originated. Yoga for Everybody with Meditation Mutha!
Whether teaching a yoga retreat or developing a video for my Yoga with Meditation Mutha Youtube channel, I am always conscious of simplifying the breakdown of each posture so they are less intimidating.
If you have ever thought about taking a yoga class, but feel a little uneasy about starting with a public class, please join me for this week’s Hatha yoga class, Yoga for Everybody. Here, I dissect the basic postures in a Hatha Flow class, so you can walk into a beginner class with confidence. Scroll down to take the class and enjoy!
This week’s 17-minute class, Yoga for Everybody, was specifically created to help beginners better understand how to do some basic yoga postures accurately and safely. In this video you will learn the breakdown of common postures such as a down dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), forward fold (Uttanasana), half forward fold (Ardha Uttanasana), low lunge (Anjaneyasana), plank (Phalakanasana), cobra (Bhujangasana) and child’s pose (Balasana). Becoming familiar with these postures will allow you to walk into a public Hatha Flow class with confidence. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY.
Please join me in this opportunity to fine-tune basic yoga postures, so you can attend a yoga class with ease. Enjoy! Please subscribe to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha YouTube Channel to be the first to receive weekly videos. And, check out www.meditationmutha.com to learn about yoga retreats happening around the world and tips on “Living Simply Extraordinary”.