Gratitude is the Attitude

If you have watched one minute of the news this past week, then you know that sunny Texas got hit with the deepest freeze I can remember in the 25-years of living in the state. Our typical moderate climate was replaced with a series of ice and snow storms that left Texans in bewilderment.

My hometown in New York would have laughed at the miniscule six inches of snow that blanketed our city. However, when you do not have access to a single snow plow or even a snow shovel to deal with the situation, it can cause tons of havoc. Add in the fools that have no idea how to drive in any condition besides sunny and dry and you have a disaster in the making.

On top of it all, some people lost power for days. We still have not had access to running water and all the shelves are bare at the super markets. You might call Texas is a real sh*t show right now.

Nonetheless, amongst all the chaos, Mother Nature put on a magical display. My back yard looked like a crystal palace. I took a walk through the snow covered trails in a once-in-a-lifetime, Southwest winter wonderland and the scenery was magnificent.

In addition, these challenging circumstances allowed me to pause for a moment and show appreciation for all the incredible resources I typically have in my life. Temporarily losing the basics like fresh water, food and warmth quickly snapped me into a state of gratitude for all the abundance in my world. It was the perfect time to acknowledge all the little things I sometimes take for granted.


This week’s 27-minute floor yoga class, Yoga for Gratitude, is all about showing appreciation for all the abundance in our lives. Through gentle postures that connect body and breath, we will honor all the miraculous parts of our body that work continuously and allow us to thrive. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to develop gratitude for each segment of our being. Enjoy!

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