Stretching for Runners – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

The Texas mornings are finally cooling off and it’s the perfect weather for running. I call it “great breathing weather” and have been enjoying the dry, chilly air on my lungs during my daily runs.

My exercise routine has changed significantly since I started running more than 25-years ago. I used to get back from a long jog, jump in the shower and go about my day with no thought to stretching. But, over time I started developing injuries and realized I needed to incorporate stretching into my exercise regimen.

Gradually I experienced the positive effects stretching provides to balance the body and prevent injury. I attest my ability to still run after more than a quarter century to my dedicated yoga practice which keeps my muscles and tendons long and pliable.

If you are a runner, walker, sitter or even a breather you may find benefit in incorporating stretches into your daily routine that focus on the muscles which move the body, so you can experience a high quality of life as you age.

Scroll down and join me for this week’s yoga class, where we focus on lengthening the major muscles that support running and walking. Enjoy!


This week’s 17-minute Yoga Stretches for Running class, is all about focusing our attention on lengthening the major muscles involved in running and walking. It is so important to stretch before, during and after running to prevent injury. We will work on stretching the hip flexors, psoas muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, calves and low back. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to keep your body healthy and prevent injuries from running and walking. Enjoy!

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