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yoga for intention setting

    Moving from Mundane to Magic – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    When we were in Costa Rica for our annual yoga retreat, we had an opportunity to attend a very special event held by a shaman from the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. He shared with us a sacred ceremony practiced by the Yawanawa tribe that incorporated singing, dancing, cacao and a rape (pronounced hapeh) ritual to cultivate love and healing.

    We celebrated in the elevated energy of the live music as we honored ourselves and each other in sacred space. Then each of us knelt in front of the shaman to receive the rape medicine, which is a fine ground shamanic snuff made from tabaco mixed with other plants based on the tribe’s unique recipe. This fine powder is blown up the nostrils with the intention to cultivate an open heart and mind. For me, the short effects enhanced my connection with nature and those around me.

    My favorite part of the experience was being exposed to sacred ceremony from another culture. We all have some form of ceremony weaved throughout our lives. Weddings, bar(t)mitzvahs and baptisms are just a few ceremonial celebrations that ,may be familiar.

    What makes these occasions special? The rituals that are performed during these services are what bring meaning to the gathering. And how do you bring meaning into each ritual? You fill the practice with intention.

    Intention changes the mundane into magic. It shifts the meaning of sliding a ring on your finger into a deep commitment to another human. It transforms reading from a book into a right of passage from child to man or woman. And, it turns dipping your body in water into a blessing from God.

    With a little intention setting, we have the opportunity to elevate the ordinary into the extraordinary with everything we do. By mindfully providing purpose behind our actions, speech and thoughts we can cultivate an exceptional life.

    Looking for some assistance in starting your own mindful practice? Then please scroll down and join me for this week’s yin yoga class, Yoga for Intention Setting and bring meaning into your world. Enjoy!

    Author – Kim Goyette

    This week’s 15 minute Yin Yoga Practice, Yoga for Intention Setting is all about bringing purpose into everything you do. By mindfully setting an intention at the beginning of class and recalling it throughout your practice, you can manifest your desires into reality. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this powerful opportunity to transform the mundane into magic. Enjoy!

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