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yoga for increasing metabolsim

    Boosting Your Metabolism – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    boosting your metabolism

    Boosting Your Metabolism. The holidays are a special time to celebrate with friends and family. I had a little gathering with some of my girlfriends to toast to friendship. The chocolate martinis were a big hit and the yummy richness of this spiked milkshake seemed to go down a little too easily. Before I knew it, I had sucked down several of these sweet cocktails and had quite the buzz.

    Along with lots of delicious appetizers and desserts, I would say it was an indulgent evening. Although the party was super fun, my body and mind were not too happy with me the next day. Several of my friends sent me pics of their hangovers and pouty face, and I felt their pain.

    It is healthy to give oneself up to the delicacies of the holidays. It is the perfect time to enjoy the festive food and drinks that make the season special. And, when the parties start to simmer down and you are ready to get back into a healthy routine, you may just need a little kick to get your metabolism going and burn off the extra treats.

    Looking for a little pre or post-celebration motivation? Then scroll down and come join me for a heated Hatha Flow class, Yoga for Boosting Your Metabolism, which is sure to get your engine started. Enjoy!

    This week’s 16-minute Hatha Flow Class, Yoga for Boosting Metabolism, focuses on increasing your internal fire. Through Breath of Fire and postures like plank, we will ignite heat in our core to burn calories and accelerate our energy. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to speed up your metabolism. Enjoy!

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