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yoga for dream manifestation

    Dream Manifestation

    Every creation I have ever cultivated began with my IMAGINATION. An idea popped into my head and I thought about the possibilities for a while.
    Next, VISUALIZATION took over as I started to see all the details of my plan coming together.

    And then after pondering my vision for a while, MANIFESTATION entered the picture. Manifestation is a vision becoming reality.  I never worried about the manifestation part because I knew if I imagine and visualize my strategy, the steps and resources towards manifestation would naturally appear. 

    I will let you in on a little universal truth: what you focus on becomes reality. Be your own guinea pig and try concentrating on your dreams. I dare you to spend a few minutes each day focusing on your passions and see where it leads you. Imagination, Visualization and Manifestation are all it takes to make your dreams into a reality in every aspect of your life.

    This three step process is the exact path my husband Scott and I took to making our year-long trip around the world a reality. And, it was this same process that allowed me to manifest my dream of publishing a book about our journey.

    Just Plane Crazy!: The Ultimate Guide to Affordable, Adventurous World Travel is a manifestation of my desire to inspire people to live their long-term travel dreams. Based on our own personal experiences, lessons learned and mistakes made along the way, my intention for the book is to provide a step-by-step guide that leads you on a path to living your greatest life. Find it on Amazon.

    Need a little kick start to making your dreams a reality? Join me for this week’s super empowering yoga class!

    This week’s 18-minute Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga for Dream Manifestation, is all about making your visions a reality. Through postures like shoulder stand that stimulate blood flow to the crown of the head where manifestation resides, we will actualize our dreams. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to live in abundance. Enjoy!