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    Transforming Fear to Love – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    There is a lot of unknown in the world today and where there is unknown there is fear. When we feel fear, we grasp to anything that provides a sense of grounding. This could be a belief, a relationship, material items etc. Unfortunately, that gripping can feel very heavy because we cling to something that does not provide true stability.

    This week I noticed some fear rising inside of me about many aspects of my life. I started to create a story around my fears that sent me into a spiral of confusion. Instead of hyper focusing on my anxiety, I decided to take a yoga class to calm my mind.

    As I moved through the yin yoga postures and dedicated my attention to my breath I was able to release tension in my body and mind. By the end of class it was clear to me the direction I wanted to take. I made a commitment to no longer let fear lead my life. I embodied a true understanding that the universe is abundant and will always support me.

    I felt completely different from the beginning of the class to the end. My entire being felt lighter with confidence to trust the journey. The heaviness of fear was lifted and I could breathe again.

    Fear is an emotion that can be shifted and transformed into a productive energetic state. In order to change the vibration of this emotion, we first need to acknowledge that it exists. Without judgement or need to recognize the reasons behind it, we can move this lower vibrational energy out of the body and mind and replace it with a higher vibrational state of love.

    Feeling a little anxiety with the current state of the world? Come join me for this weeks short 9 Minute Meditation to Transform Fear to Love. Enjoy!

    Author – Kim Goyette

    This week’s 9 minute Transforming Fear to Love Meditation is all about taking control over your emotions. By acknowledging fear and where it resides in the body and mind, we can use the breath to slowly dissipate the low vibrational state of anxiety and replace it with the high vibrational state of love. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to bring peace into your world. Enjoy!

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