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new year's intention setting

    New Year’s Manifestation Meditation – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    There were many years in my 20’s and early 30’s where I partied until the morning light on New Year’s eve. The celebrations were fun and exciting, but I always felt so hollow waking up on the first day of the year sick with a hangover.

    As I’ve gotten older, I prefer to bring in the New Year with a little more intention and start the first of the year feeling amazing. New Year’s is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the past year and show gratitude for all of the abundance in your life. It is also a great time to plant the seeds to attract what you desire in the upcoming year.

    Different than a New Year’s resolution, where you set an intention to complete a goal, I prefer to do manifestation practices. Manifestation is the ability to transform something you visualize into reality.

    Manifestation exercises focus on the outcome as if it has already happened. The wonderful thing about manifestation practices are you do not need to worry about the steps to accomplish the result. When you visualize yourself already living your dream, the universe takes over and puts all the sequences of events in place to make it happen. Consciously creating your future is an incredibly powerful way to bring in the New Year.

    Please join me for this week’s New Year’s Manifestation Meditation, where we will focus on cultivating abundance of health, wealth, love, career and joy in our lives. Enjoy!

    Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year!

    Author – Kim Goyette

    Drop the New Year’s resolutions and come join me for this powerful eleven minute New Year’s Manifestation Meditation and plant the seeds for abundance to flow into your life. Through this visualization meditation, we will view our life exactly the way we desire in the form of health, wealth, love, career, relationship and passion, as if it is already happening. By engaging in this intentional meditation, we will pave a path to attract all the things we desire for this upcoming year. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to create your future. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

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