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inner goddess


    Bringing Your Inner Goddess Out

    Goddesses have blessed us with their presence through all cultures dating back to the beginning of time.  When you think of the word goddess,  Aphrodites, the goddess of love, might come to mind.  Or maybe it’s Athena, the goddess of wisdom.  Or Gaia, mother earth.

    You may align yourself with one goddess more than the others.  But, what we tend to forget is that our divine spirit was born with all of these attributes.  The maiden – filled with sensuality and play, the mother – birthing ideas and creativity into the world, and the maven – wise woman, healer and warrior.  This is called the Triple Goddess.  We are an embodiment of all these things at once.

    Throughout a lifetime, our emphasis changes from one goddess to another.  Typically we take on the Maiden in our youth with our flirty, playful nature.  Then we transform into the Mother, birthing and nurturing children/ideas.  And finally, we step into the confident wisdom of the Maven.

    But, when we accentuate one goddess over the others, we lose a part of ourselves and find an imbalance in our life.  We need to invite all three goddesses to support us during every stage of our life in order to fully experience the magic this world has to offer.

    I had the absolute joy of spending the day with a beautiful group of goddesses at the “Embracing Your Radiance” Woman’s Day retreat last Friday.  And it was an honor to witness spirits opening to invite their Maiden, Mother and Maven goddesses into their hearts.

    Take a moment to sit quietly and see which goddess most aligns with you at this stage in your life.  Which goddesses need a little more nurturing and attention?

    Honoring and connecting to your Triple Goddess is an act of worship, not only to yourself, but also a sacred connection to your female ancestors that have helped support the radiant being you are today!