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gratitude yoga

    Fall Equinox – A Time for Gratitude

    The Fall Equinox is upon us, where the light and dark hours of the day are exactly equal. Many cultures use this time to celebrate the harvest. Whether you are harvesting something you have physically planted in the ground or a seed of intention you have cultivated throughout this year that has come to fruition, we honor the Fall Equinox with pure gratitude for all of the abundance we have in our lives.

    This time of year provides an excellent opportunity to shift your consciousness from a state of lack to one of prosperity. A simple way to do this is through a small ceremony or ritual like lighting a candle or sitting in meditation focused on gratitude.

    If you are looking for a way to celebrate the Fall Equinox then please join me for this week’s Fall Equinox Yoga class, where we will use light movement, meditation and visualization to cultivate the high vibrational state of gratitude. Enjoy!

    Author – Kim Goyette

    This week’s 11 minute floor yoga class, Fall Equinox Yoga is all about being grateful for all the abundance in our lives that came from the seeds we planted earlier in the year. The fall equinox is a time to celebrate your harvest, whether it is something you physically planted or seeds of intention that came to fruition this year. In this practice we will honor the Fall Equinox by cultivating gratitude through relaxing postures and a gratitude meditation. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to give thanks for all the abundance in your life. Enjoy!

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