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dancer's pose for beginners

    Living Just for the Fun of It – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    If you know me at all you fully realize that my favorite word is “fun”. I use it all the time as an adjective for everything. My close friends tease me because they know that is my go-to word.

    So, when my family and I were learning Spanish while living in Central and South American countries for six months during our trip around the world I was initially panicked when trying to speak the language, as I was at a loss to replace my favorite word. I immediately looked it up in Spanish (divertido) so I could use it as much as possible in conversation. Some how this made me feel more grounded and confident.

    Over the years in teaching yoga, I have noticed that many people take themselves so seriously when practicing. Yoga is an opportunity to be curious about yourself and explore. When you are light-hearted and drop judgement about your performance, you can drop into the present moment and just have fun.

    Come join me for this week’s practice, Yoga Balance for Beginners, where we can play and have fun with some balancing postures. Divertido!

    Author – Kim Goyette

    This week’s 13 minute Hatha Yoga Class, Yoga Balance for Beginners is all about releasing your ego and just having fun with balance. Through postures like elevated mountain pose, star pose, tree pose and dancer’s pose we will enjoy this opportunity to explore and play. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to have fun with balance. Enjoy!

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