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    Observing Your Current State of Being – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

    being yoga


    When I was working in corporate America I had an awful morning habit. The alarm would go off, and I would immediately grab my phone to check my emails, hurry to get dressed, and then rush out the door to get to the office on time. This routine turned on my fight-or-flight mode and put me in a very stressful state.

    Over time, I started to incorporate a mindful morning routine that planted a seed for a great day. Today, instead of waking up to the alarm, I have trained my body to wake up on its own, on time without prompting. This allows me to ease into my day instead of feeling the need to spring out of bed and it gives me a chance to check in with how my body and mind are feeling in the moment.

    Before my eyes open I take a few breaths and tune into my current state of being. I do this practice without any judgment or story wrapped around how I feel. I just notice and act as a witness to what is going on inside of me.

    Observing your current state without judgment is a very powerful practice that assists in bringing you into alignment. It is an opportunity to bring awareness to all of your emotions, feelings, and physical conditions, so you can acknowledge, process, and move them through your system.

    Test this method out on yourself by taking a few moments to bring mindfulness into your morning and see how that affects your day.

    If you need a little assistance in being the witness of your current state of being, then scroll down and come join me for this week’s Yin Yoga class, Yoga for Observing Your Current State, and bring alignment into your day.

    This week’s 20-minute Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Observing Your Current State, is all about pausing to tune in to how you feel in your body and mind with no judgment. Through postures such as pigeon pose and twists, we will bring our awareness to our state of being and become observers. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to be a witness to sensation. Enjoy being yoga schedule!

    Please subscribe to the Yoga with Meditation Mutha YouTube Channel to be the first to receive weekly videos. And, check out www.meditationmutha.com to learn about yoga retreats happening around the world and tips on “Living Simply Extraordinary”.