Expanding Your Capacity – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

What an incredible week we had at our Costa Rica Yoga Retreat at the magical Anamaya Resort. I am so grateful for this beautiful group who participated in this powerful experience!

We were very fortunate to hold the retreat on this particular week with plenty of sunny skies, because it poured rain for seven days prior to our arrival. This created unusually challenging conditions when maneuvering the trails to the 60 foot waterfall. Extra slippery slopes and intense rushing water did not stop our determined gang to make it to our breathtaking destination.

I was very impressed with the adventurous spirit of our group. Whether hiking through the jungle, ziplining amongst the tree tops, leaping off the waterfall into the unknown or exploring new local foods, our crew stretched outside their edge to get a complete Costa Rican experience.

Everything you desire that you do not already have is located outside of your comfort zone. Reaching just one inch beyond your capacity builds confidence and resiliency, so you can attain your dreams. So, next time you have an opportunity to do something that makes you a little nervous, say YES and allow your journey to unfold!

Come join me for this weeks Yoga to Stretch the Low Back and expand your body and mind. Enjoy!

Author – Kim Goyette

This week’s 10 minute Yoga to Stretch the Low Back will help to relieve tension and expand this area of the body. Using the breath in various postures to create space in the low back, we will release any congestion in the back body. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to expand the whole back body. Enjoy!

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