Building a Community – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

I grew up in a small town in upstate New York. Everyone knew each other and their families in the community. Neighbors stopped to talk to one another on the street or lend a helping hand for someone in need.

As an adult, reflecting on each citizen in my home town, I can see there were so many political, religious, socioeconomic, racial, sexual orientation and gender differences between us. Despite all of our contrasts, we functioned as one unit to support each other and never used our differences to stand in the way of caring for one another.

Feeling like you belong to a community is a huge contributing factor to a healthy life. Knowing you can rely on others for support and that they have your best interest in mind is one of the best ways to get grounded, so you can launch into your life. No wonder why people say “go back to your roots”.

In yoga, Kula is the Sanskrit word for community, tribe or clan. It refers to a sense of inclusion and belonging. When building your community it is important to be selective and choose people who support your highest good, celebrate your wins and are there to provide guidance and love during your challenges.

I feel very fortunate to have an incredible kula of family and friends who support me on my life’s journey. If you are looking to broaden your community, I would love for you to join us for my Fall Women’s Retreat coming up October 4th-6th in Wimberley, Texas. Retreats are an incredible opportunity to connect deeply with a beautiful tribe and develop bonds that blossom into lifelong friendships. Scroll down for details and to save your space TODAY!

Author – Kim Goyette

This week’s 15 minute Heart Opening Hatha Flow class is all about expanding the front body. Through postures that stretch the shoulders and chest we will broaden the heart center. Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to invigorate your body and mind. Enjoy!

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