Conserving Energy – Yoga with Meditation Mutha

Thanksgiving in the mid-80’s and within a few days the temperature dropped below freezing. That is Texas climate for you. The local saying is “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute,” and it’s true.

The cooler temps have triggered a hibernation response in my system. All I want to do is stay in bed under the covers reading a book.

But, take it from nature, our wise furry woodland friends begin to slow things down in the fall in preparation for a winter dormancy. That sounds in alignment with our human cycle as well.

So, instead of attending high energy gatherings, cuddle up in front of a fire with a hot drink. Or hunker down under a heavy blanket, light a candle and have a glass of wine. Reduced energy activities are the way to go right now to keep your immune system in peak performance.

And, what better excuse to lay low during the cooler months than COVID. Quarantining is a great reason to bow out of high energy activities and enjoy some inner reflection.

This week’s 15-minute FREE Yin Yoga Class, Yoga for Conserving Energy, is all about drawing inward for the winter season. Just like our friends in the natural world, the cooler months are meant for hibernation and slowing down. Through postures such as rock pose, child’s pose and twists, we will contain our circuit of energy and take some time to reflect inward.

Yoga with Meditation Mutha is for everyBODY. Please join me in this opportunity to reduce energy expenditure and provide a chance to contemplate your current conditions. Enjoy!

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